Welcome to the Partial View Mazes Page!

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What are Partial View Mazes?

On these mazes, you will only have a partial view of the full-maze, therefore creating a situation which is closer to what you would feel while solving a real-life maze: You don't know where the Exit is! This game will present you a collection of 12 mazes which have paths that cross over each other. Plan to spend at least 30-45 minutes per maze. A sample partial view of a maze is shown to the right.

How to play.

Use the arrow keys to move through the maze and through Tunnels. You can also jump through tunnels by pressing the Enter key. Wait for the program to load, and once you see it, click on the button below to open the game (in a new window).

Are you ready to try them out? Click here to play.

Copyright ©1999-2021 by Jorge H. Best.
Last updated on 4/18/2021.